E-Portfolio UED 102

9 min readDec 14, 2020



About Me

Assalamualaikum and hello to those who became my first blog readers. My name is Muhammad Wafiuddin Bin Mohd Iqbal and I am 18 years old. I am from Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. I got an offer to further my studies at university level in the Diploma in Office Management and Technology at UITM Alor Gajah, Melaka after my appeal application was successful. However, at first I was less interested in furthering my studies in this program because I was less interested and this program was recommended by my family. But after I did my research on this program, I wanted to challenge myself in this program and believe this program is very useful for me in the future. My main purpose in writing this portfolio is to introduce UED 102.

What is UED 102?

UED 102 or better known as study skills is an important learning skill for every student in going through university life well such as effective time management, setting goals, learning styles, learning strategies and processing information from lectures and texts. That will help students overcome academic demands at the tertiary level.

Content of UED102

Topic 1: Getting Ready to Learn and Goal Setting

  • Making the Transition (from school to university)
  • Characteristics of Successful Student
  • Learning Styles Inventory
  • Goal Statements — The Five Step Approach

Topic 2: Time Management And Getting Know the Campus

  • Fixed-Commitment Calendar
  • Job Task Analysis
  • Prioritized To-Do List

Topic 3: Memory, Learning And Improving Concentration

  • Memory Strategies
  • Organizational Strategies
  • Concentration Strategies
  • Concentration Chart
  • Reading Text

Topic 4: Taking Lecture Notes And Academic Integrity And Performance

  • Note-Taking Strategies
  • Note-taking Exercise using the Cornell Method
  • GPA Worksheet


Making The Transition (from school to university)


Making the move from being in a school to university is not an easy task. There is a need for students to make new friends, find out new things and make necessary lifestyle adjustment for them to feel at home in the new surroundings. To adapt to a new life is hard but is is worth experience.

Characteristics Of Successful Student


8 Steps To Success As A University Student

1. Attend All Classes. One of the best ways to be successful in college is to attend all classes. Although you will be tested on material from the course text, most of the test questions will come from lectures.

2. Become an Active Learner. Unlike high school, in college, you can’t learn all of the material just reading over it a couple of times. You need to write and recite the information to get it into long-term memory.

3. Participate in Class. If you feel a bit uncomfortable participating in class, set a goal to either ask or answer one question during each class. Once you begin participating, you’ll feel more a part of the class and will become more actively involved in the learning process.

4. Get to Know Your Lecturers. Take a few minutes and stop to talk with your lecturer before or after class or during office hours. Ask a question about the material or check on your progress in the course. If you get to know your instructors, you may feel more comfortable asking for help when you need it.

5. Form Study Groups with Friends. Study Groups of about 3–4 people are known to be very effective. However, make sure that you include friends who are serious about doing well in their studies, because only then they will contribute.

6. Stay Up to Date with Your Work. Many new college students have difficulty keeping up with all of the reading that’s assigned in class. If you get behind in your reading, you may never have time to catch up. The workload in college just increases as the semester progresses. Never procrastinate!

7. Be Receptive to Change. If the strategies that you used in high school aren’t working, ask you lecturer or tutor for suggestions for different ways to learn. Even though the strategies that they suggest may not seem like they’ll work, you must be willing to give them a chance. If you don’t make changes in the way you take notes, read your texts or prepare for exams, for example, you won’t see changes in your performance.

8. Work Hard This Semester. Forget about doing all your assignments in the evening. If you’re taking fifteen credits this semester, you’ll need a minimum of thirty hours (two hours outside of class for every hour in class) to do your work. If you want high grades, if you work slowly or if you’re taking difficult courses, you’ll need more time to do your work well.

Learning Style Inventory

Learning Style


I have answered learning style inventory questions to find out my learning style. I am more into the type of visual learning style and before this I was really easy to understand in visual. Then, the types of kinaesthetic and auditory learning styles are sometimes simple and easy for me to understand. Now I know my type of learning style and can stay focused on it.

Goal Statement-Five Steps Approach


Goal Setting

  • Goal setting is the process for your ideal future and motivates yourself to turn this vision of the future into reality.
  • The goal setting process will help you go through life’s processes.
  • Properly set goals can motivate and compile you as well as get used to and achieved and you will feel your self-confidence grow faster and better.


Fixed-Commitment Calendar

Job Task Analysis

This Job Task Analysis is very useful for us to create our daily schedule based on our current needs. For each activities, we calculate how much time should we spent within 24 hours so we does not waste our time with things that does not give benefits to us.

Prioritized To-Do List

The main purpose of having prioritized to-do list is not to make sure everything done on the spot. This list helps you to set your mind of the priority of each task that you need to complete due to the deadline. Prioritized to-do list encourage us to systemize our task management so that, we wont miss any single important assignments. Its not that we take easy of the less priority task, we just make it easier to refer with task need to be done first. Below, i attached the example of prioritized to-do list

Getting Know The Campus


Lets watch introduction of Uitm Alor Gajah in youtube;


Memory Strategies

What is Memory?

  • The mental process of registering storing and retrieving information.
  • There are different types of memory
  • Memory is the property of organism which ensures impression of connections between the environmental events and accumulation of living experience.

What is Brain?

  • Brain is something that given by our god to his creature for you to think
    before do something.

Understanding Memory Process


Causes of Poor Memory


How To Improve Our Memory Strategies

  1. Understand the material
  2. Have the right study environment
  3. Space out your work
  4. Repetition
  5. Organize your learning material
  6. Use Mnemonic methods
  7. Think in pictures and colors
  8. Association
  9. Acronyms
  10. Talk about what you have learn
  11. Storytelling
  12. Vary your study routine
  13. Get enough sleep
  14. Play games
  15. Chunking
  16. Funny sentences
  17. Rote rehearsal
  18. Elaboration

Those questions to test memory. My score is 4 and quite low so I must strengthen my memory.

Organizational Strategies

Organize things into 3 groups or category to remember. You also can remember more than 4 items in each category quite easily because the headings help trigger your memory. For example;

Concentration Strategies

  • Concentration is paying attention and focusing on the things we are doing

Causes of Poor Concentration

Strategies to Improve Concentration

I always find it difficult to concentrate in a long period because I tend to get bored easily especially if the subject doesn’t catch my interest to know more about it. then, in the previous class, I completed the activity given by my lecturer.

As you can see, I got 5 over 10 marks for this activity and this indirectly show that I’m not good enough. So, to improve concentration, I have to follow my schedule strictly and I need to change my mind set.

Concentration Charts

From this concentration chart, I found out that one of my problem is about knowledge in video editing, sleepy and distractions. Therefore, I need to take immediate action on things like adding extra knowledge, scheduling bedtime so as not to disturb my concentration again.

Reading Text



Note Taking Strategies

Note Taking Exercise using the Cornell Method


  • Presenting someone else’s words or idea as if they were your own.

Types of Plagiarism


GPA Worksheet

Calculating GPA

How to calculate GPA:

GPA = Grade Point Average

CGPA = Cumulative Grade Point Average

This is my target GPA in semester 1

This is my target GPA in semester 2

Failure and Dismissal

